
Some neat milestones have come to pass recently.

First, as most of you know, I went through my principal Asperger’s diagnostic interview yesterday.

Also yesterday, this blog turned six months old! 🙂

And today, about an hour ago, this blog reached its 10,000th unique visitor.


I’m mind-blown (as usual, in an incredibly good way).

I’m brimming with gratitude.  Gratitude that the messages carried by this blog have reached so many people.  Grateful that the comments on its posts include “thank you; this helped me”, or “I don’t feel so alone now”, or “relieved to know I’m not the only one”, and similar sentiment.  I’m extremely grateful for that feedback.  My entire goal in pressing that “Publish” button and sending those messages out into the ether, to become part of the permanent internet archive, is to help other people in whatever way they might find beneficial.  My purpose is to, from my tiny little corner of the world, somehow serve the world and contribute to the saving of humanity.  To contribute to the overall supply of constructive information and wellbeing of a deserving community.  And I’m grateful to know that it’s happening, even if in a tiny way (I’m not exactly Temple Grandin or giving speeches or scheduling appearances or anything). 🙂  I’m grateful for the community itself.  Grateful to have so many people offer me their pro-diagnosis encouragement.  Grateful to have so much support behind me throughout the process.

Grateful, too, that I have the privilege to seek formal diagnosis.  Because official diagnosis is indeed a privilege.  It should be a fundamental right.  But in societies across the world, it isn’t.  Sure, I earned the money by working hard.  Sure, I did the Google search and found the specialists through whom to seek evaluation.  Sure, I sent the emails and made the phone calls.  I know that these tasks took effort, and yes, I give myself that credit.

However, I’m privileged enough to have that ability.  I’m privileged enough to have made it through school, to have obtained a professional license, and to reside in a business-friendly place where we could easily establish a practice with comparatively little overhead (it’s still incredibly expensive and risky to do this, but there’s less red tape where we live).  I’m privileged that our business is solvent, that the funding was there, that those specialists exist, and that I can hear well enough to conduct the interviews without extra accommodations or devices.  I’m privileged that I can communicate conventionally enough to (hopefully) be understood correctly.  Privileged to have the reliable broadband internet connection with which to contact and stay in touch with those specialists and the community.

While I recognize/acknowledge and credit my own efforts, I also recognize–and, as best I can, I check–the privilege.

Because my own efforts, as focused as they may be, would likely amount to nothing without the privilege, or without the community.

Again, this is an “I’m extremely touched and humbled” post. 🙂  Please forgive the monotony, as I know I’ve written several posts like this.  I just feel it that intensely in every cell in my body and brain, and it had to come out so that I could share it, too, with others.

Essentially, I want to say Thank You!  🙂 ❤


(Image Credit: Paul Bond)


  1. I got an assessment and diagnosis two years ago, just after my 63rd birthday. It’s taken me this long to process and now, after a lifetime, finally feel comfortable in my skin. It’s so affirming to read this blog by someone who can articulate so many of the things that have been vaguely floating around in my brain. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for sharing your story and for your kind words! ❤️ How did you feel after you found out? Was it a major adjustment? Relief/grief/mixed feelings? 💙💜


  2. I suspected for a while because my grandsons were diagnosed as autistic and when I started to research, I read that autism tends to run in families. When I got my diagnosis, I was at a loss for a long time as to how to move forward with this new insight. It was a validation to finally understand why I always felt so different from the people I knew. To me it’s kind of like being gay before gay was cool.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love this!! What a neat analogy! So true, too 😊 I’ve often said that some people *think* they’re very different, but aren’t quite as different as they might think or try to be. We were very different before being different was cool 💝💜


    2. That’s such a wonderful story, too, by the way! And yep, the validation feeling is a huge common denominator among us 😊 So happy to have you among us ❤️


Please feel free to add your thoughts! I do my best to respond to each comment (even if it takes me a bit sometimes) :)