Sharing: How to Live Better With Executive Dysfunction [Mental Health Monday]

This is such a fantastic post that I found extremely helpful!  There are real, realistic, and doable suggestions in this lovely, comprehensive post, and the info is spot-on!   This post is a follow-up to the Executive Function post I reblogged a few weeks ago, and this post is every bit as awesome!  I figured it would be perfect for another Mental Health Monday post.  Enjoy!  🙂  ❤

So Much Stranger, So Much Darker, So Much Madder, So Much Better

Yesterday we talked about what executive dysfunction is and today we’re going to talk about some ways to live a better life with executive dysfunction. If you’ve ever tried to look for resources on how to cope with executive dysfunction, I’m sure you’ve had the same desire I did to bang your head against a wall in frustration as basically all of the resources out there are for how parents can help their children. There are virtually no guides to help an adult (or teen) help themselves. So that’s where this post comes in. The following will be tips on how you can help yourself deal with executive dysfunction.

The first thing I want to address when it comes to dealing with executive dysfunction is the idea of self-compassion. Many of us who struggle with executive dysfunction have come to think of ourselves as lazy/worthless/incompetent/[insert other negative attributes here], particularly…

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  1. I like the safe space you’ve created even though sometimes I don’t say much. I watched a video today about a safe place to be vulnerable. It’s a bit of culture shock at first to have a safe place when I’ve been a solider in battle since the beginning of my time here on earth. Even though I’m quiet alot, I’m just observing the waters, taking in the fresh air, and slowly reducing an arsenal of life long weaponry. I’m getting there though, thanks again because it really means alot!! More than I can articulate into words at the moment.

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    1. I can relate, my lovely ❤ I've often described how I've felt, as a warrior of sorts. Safe spaces are so important, yet I've known so many (including myself) to be without them for so long that it's almost too good to be true when they're happened upon! I'm honored that you view this as a safe space; I do everything I can to keep it that way. It's perfectly fine that you're quiet, although I love what you have to say (!). The important part at the end of the day is that you feel safe somewhere in the world ❤ ❤


      1. I meant to tell you, I think my God son is autistic. He is always in his own world playing with trains. He has a massive collection of trains for a little guy. His speech isn’t as developed as other little children his age. He also has moments where he eats alot and moments when he doesn’t eat anything at all. And god forbid an intruder comes close to him…, he’s only 5 and I don’t know much about his interactions in school but I do know he is intelligent! I hope his teachers notify his mom if they feel the same. I’m concerned.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. What a lovely little guy! His train-world sounds delightful! And there are so many ways to communicate 😊❤️. He will find his own and he will grow and develop on his terms. Thank goodness he has wonderful people like you (and it sounds like his mom is also a gem) in his life, who are understanding and give him lots of latitude 👍🏼💖. I would be concerned, too, in your shoes, mostly because of the ignorance that persists regarding autism, development, and neurological variants 💙💜


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