The Silent Glacier ~ winter is my autistic sensory deprivation tank

Because I’m still in a Winter Wonderland, on vacation/holiday far away from my home, I have limited time to write new posts (dang!) for at least a few more days.

But, I thought I would share something with you that is still near and dear to my heart, and it rings especially true for me this week (and maybe for some of you as well!).

I had always hated the cold; being super-sensitive, I experienced what I would classify as pain in the biting chill.  In more recent years, I’ve come to appreciate the cold, for other reasons.  (I’ve also come to bundle up with a couple additional layers!)  😉

These reasons involve the fact that the world becomes a very quiet place when the temperatures drop below easily comfortable levels and the world at large scurries inside.  It is during these times that I feel like I have the world to myself and I get to be me, even outside, because no one’s watching.  The “blanket” effect is especially noticeable (to me) with snow cover.

Please forgive me; I feel a little “retro” right now.  🙂

Where I am right now, the current temperatures are colder than those of Antarctica and the Arctic shore of Alaska.  The windchill drives the perception of those temperatures even lower.  Needless to say, few people are out and about, with the exception of the impending New Year’s Eve celebrations.

So, I thought I’d “celebrate” with a little blast-from-the-past of my own and share it with y’all.  ❤

The Silent Glacier ~ The world is my Asperger’s/autistic sensory deprivation tank

I’ll be home in a few days, and once I thaw out and reinstall myself in my regular routine, I’ll play catchup on reading, commenting, replying, and a writing few awesome blog awards!!  (Thank you to my nominators!!) ❤

Happy New Year to All!


This is one of my more popular posts!




  1. I’m always convinced I should be hibernating over winter, the cold is not for me (but then neither is hot weather for that matter). This year I’ve been more forced into it by a stupid accident, kinda sums up the year really. So peace, quiet and rest sounds like a very good idea!

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      1. knees back to being as good as they will ever be, but i need to do something to make them stronger (i.e. exercise) but I’m stuck in neutral at the moment. Head in sand.

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          1. I seem to have got trapped under a cloud of disappointment in life, things not being how i wished they were, me not being who i wished i was and feeling very miserable about it all. I’ve been cutting a few people out of my life, those who weren’t really in it, not really and I’m finding it hard not to snap at husband. Not his fault, just me not very happy with things. I’ve no idea how to get out of the malaise or the general feeling of ‘this is not what i wanted’.

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            1. Yes! I know the feeling 💗💗. Oooh, the malaise part really spoke to me, as did the “this is not what I wanted” sentiment. So familiar! 💙. For me it’s like facing this uphill struggle, a hurdle a bit too high to clear, a hill a bit too steep to climb, a learning curve a bit too vertical to conquer. And it’s like, can anything just go my way? Must I struggle so much with the basics of life, and at my age? Lots of disappointment, lots of feelings of failure or ineptitude. I’m really glad you’re taking the steps you need, such as the elimination of those who were not good for your soul 👏🏼🙌😘❤️

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  2. I love that sensation, when the blanket of snow at night makes everything so very quiet for a while, and you stop and listen for a while before doing anything else.
    Happy New Year

    Liked by 2 people

        1. This 👏🏼👏🏼. It’s always something. Traffic, the whir of the dehumidifier(s), the cat meowing, upstairs neighbors walking around like elephants (lol), the cell phone chirping its notifications, etc etc etc 😊💕💕


  3. Happy New Year to you. Although something of a heavy heart. I take it by now you have heard of the autistic boy that killed his family, so be prepared. I’ve already seen this comment from a reader on a newspaper article:

    “It’s time autism / aspergers is rated dangerous alongside psychopathy and sociopathy. If you have no empathy then you’re a threat. It’s also about older people having kids late in life, the older you are, the more health issues your children will have. Selfish people won’t be told, but there’s plenty of proof to back this up.”

    Although most people voted it down, a worryingly high number voted it up.

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    1. Thank you for this info, Tim 💞. Oh no, oh no, not good. 😔. Time for me to whip out the previous posts (and write a new one) about the *lack* of correlation between AS itself and violence/crime. Which I will do, as soon as I get the chance ❤️

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  4. Gosh so beautifully written, both posts. I go walking at night to avoid people and although it’s usually quiet where I go anyway when it snowed there was an extra layer of silence and so much calm came with it. Your description of coming home to warmth but with an icy chill still on you really made me smile, I love that feeling. 💜

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  5. I would have never thought about this. I’m so glad you wrote this. I just tried to pinpoint how I was feeling today and coudln’t. And you helped me with that. There was a quiet. Outside. One bird made a chirp but otherwise it is quiet. A hawk flew in but made no noise. It was raining but that stopped. ( the did the normal fake weather forcast of florida will get snow. Whatever. Never happens) but the cold has made a quiet that is very soothing. I didn’t know how soothing. Until now

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  6. Happy New Year. Love this. Silence in mind and spirit and ears (!) is precious. I adore winter, it centres me.
    Love reading your words, very engaging and slightly addictive. Enjoy your 2018

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    1. I can definitely relate ❤ ❤ I live in a hot climate as well; winters are mild but summers are brutal. (That's why I have to go to a colder climate for about a week in the winter every year lol – it gives me a little taste of a harsh cold, which I crave sometimes). Stay cool, my lovely! ❤ ❤

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