Asperger’s / autism vs ADHD (Attention Deficit) ~ My perspective 

(Beginning note 1: this is the post that I began Monday night–yes, three full nights ago–that I had no reason not to think to myself, yeah; I’ll bang the rest of this out tomorrow in between meetings, no problem.  Little did I know that it wouldn’t be nearly that simple; my brain would be kidnapped by Nicotine Withdrawal Elves overnight, which, “they” don’t tell you, essentially makes the brain feel like it perpetually just woke up.  Therefore, this post is the product of sheer perseverance, if nothing else.  It’s probably not my best writing.  But please be gentle with me; it’s a miracle I got it done.  Seriously, I can’t explain how hard I’ve worked on this over the past three days just to write something coherent enough to hit “publish”; you probably wouldn’t believe me, and I probably wouldn’t blame you.)

(Beginning note 2: this post is about my experience of being considered for possible ADHD, and my ultimate rejection of that label for myself, and my reasons why.  It sort of morphed into an informative compare-n-contrast, much like the post of a similar nature I did on Asperger’s/autism vs Borderline Personality.  The definitions and trait sets used throughout this post are based on the textbook profiles of classic ADHD and classic Asperger’s/autism (with more of a classic Asperger’s bent).  I’m not trying to speak for anyone or paint generalizations, and I’m not taking into consideration the potential combinations or hybrids of the two; I’m operating from the basis of straight-up Asperger’s/autism and straight-up ADHD.)

Lots of Beginning notes.  Sorry about that.  OK, here we go…

For several years, I saw a counselor, a very nice guy with a talented listening ear that made me feel very comfortable.  During one of our sessions, he thought that I might have ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

That was old news for me; my mum first came to suspect that theory back in 1994, just before I turned 17.

Incidentally, that was also the first year that the US had heard the term Asperger Syndrome.  But nobody posed the question because hardly anyone knew much about it, it was virtually “unheard of” in females, and besides–ADHD was all the rage, the celebrity disorder grabbing all the news headlines.

That’s not to say that celebrity figures were getting diagnosed with ADHD–that, I couldn’t tell you, because I never cared much about what celebrities were doing. To me, they had always been in the “right” place at the “right” time–that is, if one wanted to be famous, which I never cared much for, either.

Rather, it was the condition of ADHD itself that was the celebrity.  That’s not surprising; after all, “there was a drug for that”, and the US consumes something upwards of half the world’s prescription drugs, or so I’ve read. I wouldn’t doubt that, either.  It seems quite plausible to me.

Asperger’s, however, had no drug treatment available.

So, in a country run by drug lobbyists, it’s not hard to do the math.  In fact, it’s quite easy to see how ADHD overshadowed Asperger’s.

That’s just my theory, anyway.  Take it for what you will.

Regardless, since ADHD got the attention, that’s what crossed everyone’s minds.  A diagnosis can only be rendered if it enters one’s mind first.  You can’t render a diagnosis you don’t think of.

So when my counselor brought it up a few years ago, I thought, well, that’s believable.  It wouldn’t be the first time someone suggested it.

But something didn’t seem quite right.  I had a fairly extensive background in Functional Neurology, and I knew my way around the brain and its pathways.  I was pretty familiar with the clinical presentation of ADHD and many other neurological issues (except for, I must admit, Asperger’s/autism; in that area, I knew little, and our classes never covered it very thoroughly.  The irony is thick by now, isn’t it?).

I did know, however, that I didn’t fit the ADHD profile.  I knew that wasn’t quite the answer.  I could certainly control my attention span, the differentiating factor in ADHD vs other conditions.

For shizz and giggles, I took the ADHD Quiz from Psych Central.

I scored “moderately” likely to have ADHD, with “moderate” symptoms.

Well, that’s cool and all, but let’s take a closer look.  (Note: when I say “Asperger’s/autism”, it means only Asperger’s/autism–and the explanations of the traits themselves, and not anything else–no other neurological, psychiatric, or neurodivergent condition.  When I say “cases”, I’m referring to instances, not the idea that anybody is a “head-case”, nor any insinuation that Asperger’s/autism is a pathology–because it isn’t.  And lastly, if I say “we/us/etc”, it’s shorthand for “people on the Asperger’s/autism spectrum” so that I don’t have to keep typing it out, which would bore everyone to tears, including myself.  It’s not, however, any implication that I’m speaking in generalizations, trying to speak for everyone/anyone else, or even speaking for/about myself this time.  I’m just speaking in super-detached, academic, impersonal terms, with some of the usual My Own Experience + Observation thrown in every so often.)

The quiz asks about whether or not one has difficulty sustaining their attention while doing something.


I answered the question that reads, “How often are you easily distracted by external stimuli, like something in your environment or unrelated thoughts?” with an affirmative (sometimes) response, but there’s a problem: the quiz doesn’t ask–or consider–the reason why.

I might be easily distracted, or I might not.  It depends on what I’m doing, how much I like what I’m doing, and what the would-be distracting factor is.  If I like what I’m doing, and I like it a lot more than whatever else is vying for my attention, then I can stay focused, for the most part.

Asperger’s/autistic people can have problems staying focused, but that’s mostly because in most cases the nervous system is extra-sensitive (except in cases where it’s less sensitive).  Everything punches through, and its effect is typically amplified.

For ADHD, it’s different.  From what I know, ADHD can’t sustain their attention, even when they want to.

In Asperger’s/autism (without anything else going on), one typically can.  In fact, there can be a tendency to hyperfocus, a trait that is so prevalent on the spectrum that it’s part of the diagnostic criteria, but consistent with the ADHD profile.

On the ADHD quiz, there’s a question involving difficulty listening to someone because it seems like your mind is somewhere else.  Yeah, I know that it’s common in Asperger’s/autism, just as it is ADHD and yeah, I know what it looks like.

The ADHD pattern becomes self-explanatory; it’s that whole disorganized-cortex/can’t-pay-attention thing.  But for Asperger’s/autism, it’s more of an auditory processing thing.  The Aspie/autistic person might actually be hanging on every word the speaker is saying, but there might be a delay in deciphering the message.  The attention may be intact but comprehension may take a few extra seconds.

Another area where the two neurotypes differ is in that of attention to details; Asperger’s/autistic people have been accused of being too detailed, whereas for ADHD, there are often mistakes made because a detail (or several) was overlooked.

There’s a question on the quiz about how often one forgets to do something they do “all the time”, such as paying a bill.  Well, that gets a little murky, because it’s open to interpretation.  To me, “all the time” means at least once a day, or very close to it.  The average bill, on the other hand, is only paid once a month.  There’s a big difference between once a day (the time-measurement-unit of most of the components of my routine) and once a month (something that only occurs monthly might not even cross my mind much at all).

It’s not that I’m an “airhead” for not remembering, nor am I “flighty” or unreliable.  It’s just not something that’s in my daily routine.  And for me, if something is not in my daily routine, it gets a spot on The Calendar, at which point I will obsess over it for fear of forgetting about it.  That doesn’t sound very stereotypical ADHD to me; in fact, that resembles several firsthand accounts written by Aspies.

In a related topic, another ADHD quiz question asked about losing important items.  Here is another instance in which Asperger’s/autism and ADHD demonstrate some overlap, although for (I strongly suspect) different reasons.  For both, the common denominator is likely to be executive function.  It’s just that I think the specific flavor is different (as I believe is the case for most of these characteristics), as influenced by nuances in brain wiring.  In plain-Jane Asperger’s/autism, it’s more likely another manifestation of the executive function errors that tend to occur when a regular routine is breached.  The criteria for ADHD, on the other hand, don’t place the same emphasis on the reliance upon a routine.

The slam-dunk for me, though, is a question like this:

“How often are you unable to play or engage in leisurely activities quietly?”

That’s where someone displaying an Asperger’s/autistic profile and someone displaying an ADHD profile will diverge, by definition of each condition.  Asperger’s/autism spectrum criteria describe “abnormal levels of intensity of interest, blah, blah, blah” and autistic people (and/or their parents) often describe how they (or their children) play(ed) in their room quietly and angelically for almost-unnaturally long periods of time, happiest being alone.  This contrasts from the classic ADHD profile, in which one of the most commonly cited descriptors is the inability to play quietly.  And for ADHD, there is no mention of being content, even relieved, to be alone.

“Difficulty waiting your turn” is another phrase that comes up during an ADHD screening.  Someone on the Asperger’s/autism spectrum might answer this question in the affirmative, but again, it’s probably going to take on a different face.  An Aspie/autistic person might appear to have a tough time waiting their turn, but given the rest of the clinical picture, it’s probable that they’re “stimming” (engaging in a self-soothing or focus activity).  This might give the impression of being restless when really they’re probably a little nervous or self-conscious about what they’ll do or how they’ll perform, etc, when their turn comes.

One of the most common traits of ADHD is the finishing of people’s sentences for them, usually in the form of blurting out the answer.  Based on my experience and what I’ve read from other Aspergian/autistic people, we can fall under that same spell, too.

Here again, I think there are similarities.  And here again, I think the details are unique.  For true-blue ADHD, the common theme of lack of inhibition comes into play, and this falls right along those lines and into that pattern.  For plain-Jane Asperger’s/autism, it’s more of a brain-racing-a-mile-a-minute but (which sounds like ADHD and the two probably do share this is common, but they likely diverge from there because) the Asperger’s/autistic brain is fairly well-focused…in fact, probably hyper-focused.  Except that the topic of focus could be shifting rapidly and the (textbook) Asperger’s/autistic brain is trying to keep up with itself.  It’s not that the autistic brain moves too slow–just the opposite; it moves too fast, faster than conversation can accommodate.  So the autistic brain risks forgetting thoughts it wants to express before it forgets about them.  Although the out-blurting feels like an executive function error or a lack of inhibition, my theory is that it’s actually more likely to be a rapid, split-second executive decision, done purposefully but self-consciously (we’re not rude or thoughtless people, after all), and not without slight pangs of regret or shame, marked by a wry grin or a sheepish apologetic smile.

I think that the question about “talking excessively” probably follows a similar vein.  Talking excessively could be a simple matter of excess energy, coupled with a lack of inhibition.  Or maybe there’s a little (or a lot of) nervousness mixed in.  Or maybe a sharing of a special interest.

What the ADHD quiz is getting at is more of an excess energy, combined with a slight inhibition impairment; after all, that’s the neurological pathway theme involved and the accompanying clinical profile.  But the quiz does not specify this, which makes a lot of us Aspie/autistic peeps answer “yes”, when really the answer, in this context, would be no.  The Aspergian/autistic profile will display eerily similar behavior, but with a completely different underlying theme; the spectrum theme is one of the “special interest” “pedantic” presentation I’ve talked about before and then again.

I have a theory.  I could be wrong.  But it’s a theory.  I think that what happened to me (the whole “you probably have ADHD”) is happening to a lot of people, and many who are on the Asperger’s/autism spectrum.  I think that sometimes it stems from a lack of recognition of what Asperger’s/autism looks like in anyone not precisely matching the Asperger’s/autism spectrum diagnostic criteria or with anything less than a PhD-in-Medicine/Psychology-level understanding of these criteria such that they can decipher the medical jargon.  Not that a terminal degree guarantees competence, of course–in fact, the result is often the opposite; it is we, the laypeople, who are broaching the subject with professionals, some of whom have the gall to pat us on the head and deny that we’re onto something.

And I think that a huge part of the reason for this is twofold:

1 – ADHD has approved medications, whereas Asperger’s/autism does not, and I’ve seen puh-lenty of instances where a condition was ignored and shoved under the rug until–poof!–a drug to treat it magically appeared.  The only reason we even have Asperger’s/autism as a named condition at all is because the pro-pharma forces were not nearly so entrenched and had not gained momentum yet.  Asperger’s/autism was characterized before the existence and validation of a condition depended upon the money to be made by selling the drugs to treat it.

2 – The ADHD quizzes don’t help matters; they ask questions about traits that are common to both conditions (and probably others in addition to those two) without qualifying the questions or answers.

For example, a question about fidgeting could be more of a restlessness and inability to control oneself (ADHD) or a desire to relieve tension or anxiety (Asperger’s/autism).  I am a pretty textbook case (male phenotype and all) of Asperger’s/autism and yet, I scored moderately high on the ADHD quiz even though I don’t have ADHD at all.  I’m sitting at an “advantage” (in terms of being familiar with brain pathways and clinical profiles), if you will, because I have a neurology background and some formal training in this area.

Guess what?

It still didn’t make me any “better” at detecting Asperger’s/autism in a real live adult.  I couldn’t even see it in myself?  So obviously the Asperger’s/autism spectrum diagnostic criteria wording sucks donkey eggs.  And the education out there for professionals about Asperger’s/autism sucks donkey dinosaur eggs.

So much for my “advantage”.  Meh.

So anyway, the ADHD quiz is written with a wide net, to catch a lot of fish.  And they don’t elaborate on the “why”s behind the answers; it’s merely “how often do you exhibit this behavior that’s common to several neurological conditions?” and they leave it at that.  Meanwhile, the Asperger’s/autism spectrum quizzes are not written with that same wide net.  They won’t catch as many fish.

(To play on phrases and have some nostalgic fun,) they certainly wouldn’t be able to tell a freshwater fish in a saltwater world.  😉


(Image Credit: Dave Lord)


    1. Agreed. It was helpful to know that I’m an Aspie, but that was just a starting point 😊. I think schools of thought like those that created the DSM tend to get way too overzealous and take things way too far. In so doing, they’ve ceased letting people be people. 💓

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  1. I think you’re on to something with that theory. Not only are there drugs to treat ADHD, it’s also a *more acceptance* diagnosis, especially when it comes to kids. Unfortunately, IMO, most parents would rather hear their child has ADHD than ASD. Since King Ben has both I can say I prefer his autism to the ADHD. He gets violent on the meds & it interferes more in his education than his autism. Great Post (disclaimers​ and all😝) as usual. Hope your fog bank clears soon😘💞🌻💌🌴😎

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you luv! Oh wow 💓. You know, I wonder if (and this is just my theory, and I could be very wrong, and although I feel like I know The King 😁💓🤗 the truth is I don’t), but I wonder if he’s not Asperger’s/autism spectrum only, and maybe his system is agitated by something else (hell, could be dietary!😁 For me 20 years of bipolar-like patterns completely went away when I discovered I’m Celiac and went gluten free)? Only reason that crossed my mind is that 1) it happens so often and 2) the behavioral reaction to the meds; in my (limited but semi-related) experience people tend to have more issues with meds that aren’t quite getting at the exact underlying process 😊. Of course, I’m not trying to play doctor here (not even on TV 😉) but I feel I’d be unfairly withholding stuff I’m aware of if I didn’t say anything 😘🌺💓🌷

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      1. It’s so hard to know with him. He’s, semi verbal, I guess you’d call it. He’s not really body aware. And we’ve not been able to get blood tests. There were a lot of other factors too when we tried the need. Ultimately we said forget it. He’s a very very picky water. Like he eats about 6-7 things. He will literally starve before eating something not on his list. It’s sensory for him. We’ll revisit the whole thing if necessary in the future but for now it’s a dx that goes “untreated”. Thanks for the (free) consult😘💞🌺🌻🌸🌴😎

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        1. Yeah, kids are kinda perplexing at times! Humans are complex in general, of course, but with kids, especially when they’re not “fully” verbal (and well hell, with kids their verbal abilities aren’t fully developed yet anyway), it can be extra-enigmatic 😘🌺💐💘🌷☘🌴☀️


  2. I’ve actually been trying to work out the difference too.
    At ASD assessment, psychiatrist three times asked if I was ‘hyper’ – I think because I was leg bouncing (my main stim). I said no.
    I’d not read up on ADHD but my thoughts were that it was a person who couldn’t concentrate.
    But as she asked me three times, I’ve since wondered and as you say, the online tests are unhelpful.
    Thanks for your thoughts as this now makes sense.

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  3. I worry that I may becoming paranoid. The more I learn about ADHD, Aspberger’s, and mental health in general, the more convinced I become that there is a conspiracy to control us. There is so much to see through our eyes, until our eyes are forced to focus on the mundane, non-important things through medication.

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    1. *This*, so hard! Amen 👏🏼👏🏼. I think paranoia/conspiracy gets a bad rap. The opposite, of course, is pure unquestioning compliance 💞. I have some additional theories about Asperger’s, autism, ADHD, and also the mental health field, and I have a feeling that some of them may be similar to some of yours 😊. Obviously, I agree, and in so many ways 👊🏼💖🌟💖

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  4. If you can’t push drugs onto the kids, there’s always a good toy fad. Now everyone and their brother apparently has mild Autism and a need for a class distraction.
    Labels are for jam jars!

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        1. OMG you two – I’m seriously beaming right now. My spirit is dancing along with y’all. For real. Soaring, too. Losing my words from happiness (but don’t worry, that’s temporary and happens when I beam bright enough) lol. Thank you so much for the hugest smiles ever created ❤ ❤ :))

          Liked by 2 people

                    1. Hehe pretty uneventful otherwise! Lol 😉. Had a couple meetings, did some work independently (my favorite; I get to be alone), and started exercising a lot more (walking, mostly). Had a few misty-eyed moments as I had a few old emotions come back up to the surface during an acupuncture treatment. Lots of sleep too! Lol. Otherwise pretty run of the mill. How was yours, my lovely? 😁💞💜🌺🌷🌟👍🏼

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                    2. Mine was uneventful too, I’m actually bored to tears over here because I can do anything I consider close to the realm of fun. But as far a personal work and school work, I did good. I hope you have an eventful upcoming week, maybe the beach?

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            1. Thank you! 😁🌟. Apparently it takes the brain about 2 weeks to come back online after something like this, and it’s a gradual recovery until then 😉🌸💘. But I’m trying to conjure them (the theories and their thoughts/talking points) up and draw them into a focal beam 💘🌴🌎💓☄💫💥☀️

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                    1. Sure! At least I think so 😊. I’ll definitely try. They’re basically all pointing to a happy vibe 😊. Palm trees, sun, etc, depict feeling sunny and bright, flowers and plants symbolize feeling beautiful and/or sending beautiful vibes back, either more literally/tangibly or more esoterically/generally. A bouquet of flowers often means an empathy and/or sympathy or otherwise feeling for someone. Stars, shooting stars, etc, are either excitement, telling someone that they’re “on fire” or on top of their game, or symbolize something bright or brilliant, the curled green dragon is my favorite emoji, and often means something that is either super-cool, super-brilliant, uber-appreciated, or complimenting someone on their superb or smooth or sophisticated skills/strategies, etc. It can also stand for luck or something like that. My emoji choices are pretty loose, intuitive, relatively nonverbal lol; they pictorialize the subjective that might be tough to explain, and are also very much in the eye of the beholder 😊. I often put a whole bunch at once when I’m trying to express intensity of emotion, or the depth of the fondness I feel for someone or intensity of appreciation of/for something they said 💓🤗💘. Oh and the 🤗 emoji is like a hug (spectrum-friendly if/as preferred), 👊🏼 is like a fist bump like I’m proud for someone, etc 🎉🎊🎉 is my brain partying, usually in supportive happy response to an accomplishment someone made. 😁 is my biggest grin. 💞 is loving support 🐾 is usually random happiness or leaving small footprints or it could be used in conjunction with animal stories. 😊💘

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                    2. Awww thank you so much! 😘😘❤️. Hehe I’m not totally sure but I think it stems from having deep emotions, torrents of thought, but needing to express in shorthand lol 😉😁💓

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                    3. Aww thank you and same to you my dear! 👊🏼💖

                      (Oh–forgot a couple of emojis lol – 💪🏼 is strength/confidence, 🌎 thinking of the world, 👏🏼 is applause and/or agreement, 💓is beaming or basking in good vibes or sending them to someone 😎 is being cool, 🤓 is being nerdy, always used affectionately, 😇 is good intentions or having done something right, etc 😳 can be shock, embarrassed, or “seriously/for real?” disbelief. And so on 😊😊)

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    1. I don’t live there (but flying there in 2 days for a 3-4 day conference!🎉🎊🎉🌴🌴), but King Ben’s Grandma is close to there 😘💜

      The one thing I know is that it’s much cooler there in terms of temperature than it is where I live! We’re already well into what most of the world would consider summer lol ☀️🔥☀️😂💓💓

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      1. We recently had some days in the mid 90s and in August we get days in the low 100s😲😖 what we don’t generally have is the humidity. May Grey & June Gloom is overcast in the morning & sunny in the afternoon. High temp 75-85 depending on coastal or inland. Yep, overall it’s pretty awesome!!! 🌻🌺🌴🌸💞😎

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      2. Who is King Ben? Yea, the weather here is hot too. I try to stay in air conditioned buildings to avoid an angioedema episode. I hope you have a safe and fun trip. What is the conference about?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh! Sorry 😉. King Ben is the autistic grandson of King Ben’s Grandma, a totally cool commenter with a great blog of her own 😊💖. The conference is on a whole-body approach to All Things Brain 😁👏🏼🎉🎊

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          1. Yea, when I get overheated, my lips and tounge will start to swell then my throat will start to close up and I can’t breathe. That usually results in a trip to the hospital for a steroid shot in a not so pleasant place. It can be very worrisome when you can’t breathe correctly.

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  5. I scored 34 on that test you linked to, but Im pretty sure I’m not. A lot of the positive answers could be ASD or even my dyslexia etc. resulting in that. As you said, they tend to be pretty wide nets these tests.

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    1. Hi!! Yep, I think I got a similar score! 🙌🏼👊🏼🖐🏼. I can’t remember for sure but it sounds familiar lol 😉. I think you’re completely right 🌷🌺🌷💜


  6. My wife and youngest both have ADHD Inattentiveness (used to be ADD), so I’ve become pretty familiar with it. They actually used to make ADHD and the different autism diagnoses mutually exclusive from what I understand under DSM IV. It would assumed everyone who was autistic had attention issues. Strangely, though, studies showed ADHD medications only helped 60%(?) of the autistic population and provided no positive benefit to the remainder. Obviously, the reality is that it’s a lot more common for autistic people to have ADHD than the general population, but it’s hardly a given. DSM V removed that restriction so if you have both, you can actually be diagnosed with both.

    They also have clinical computerized tests for attention issues today. My diagnostician ran me through them. As with any instrument, I’m sure they aren’t perfect, but it did seem a bit more objective than a quiz. And really, ability to maintain attention is the sort of thing we ought to be able to actually measure. There’s an objective element to it. At any rate, my test results confirmed my experience, that I don’t have attention issues.

    As my diagnostician commented a few times, I’m the most “purely autistic” person she’s happened to have personally encountered. I don’t seem to have any of the other things that are frequently associated with autism. I did just discover I *was* speech delayed, something I never knew before. Apparently I didn’t speak at all until I was around 2 or 2 1/2, then abruptly started speaking in full sentences one day. My parents apparently knew I was some sort of “special needs” child, but didn’t want me to feel labeled by it and thought I grew out of it. Ah well.

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    1. Oh wow! Thank you so much for sharing your perspective! I always love reading your comments 😊. Your information is always wonderful! 👏🏼👏🏼👍🏼

      Your last paragraph made me smile so much, because I saw a mirror of myself lol. I had the same speech delay, until the same age, and when I did start talking, it was also in complete, clear sentences. It’s like we skipped a step, not that we needed to take that step; we did just fine with skipping it 😊. Yep, my mom had the same philosophy, too! Funny how parallel we are; I learn so much from you 💓💓

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  7. I have ADHD and so does my son. Because I have the inattentive type I didn’t find out until I was in my 40’s. I hate the label and never say it to my son, but the medicine really does help. I hate it when people try to discourage someone from seeking treatment. I think Aspergers and autism are so closely related it’s really hard to tell the difference, so is it so bad that they would point you toward the one with a treatment?

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  8. Well my son who is nine had Asperger’s (which is regarded as High Functioning autism) and he also has ADHD. So you can imagine what we have had to learn and work through. In any one of these spectrums there are a lot of children that have something called comorbidity, it is something that is concurrent or co-occurring at the with the primary disorder. I have come across many kids like this. That is why it is so difficult to diagnose the child. However in our son we found out which is his primary disorder and which are his comorbidity and now we are learning how to work through them. He has to take medication for the ADHD or he will not function or concentrate in class with things that is off no interest to him but we also work with a Sensory OT that can help with his Asperger’s as he can sometimes concentrate so much on one activity that he cannot change to the next. It takes time to get there but with good help you can. So now we know he can concentrate on what he loves and is off interest to him and help him achieve that, but we also had to work through the ADHD to help him focus also on things that may not be off interest because it is needed a simple e.g. like brushing his teeth, he will rush through it because of his ADHD or goes into another world, as parents we are learning more and more to distinguish between the both even though they are concurrent. Look up comorbidity. Hope it helps.

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  9. What a great take. It was nice to read some clearly drawn lines between the two disorders. I’ll be reading more of your posts in the future. Furthermore, I’ve heard a theory similar to yours saying that ADHD and Autism are so closely linked that they should be under the same classification in the DSM. The theory went on to say that the only reason they aren’t is because too many kids would get picked up under the ASD label. Which I thought was very interesting.

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    1. That’s very interesting indeed! Yep, I was misdiagnosed as ADHD/ADD back in the day; the DSM-IV was just released that year, and few people knew about Asperger’s, much less that it was as common in girls as it is. I never really did feel that the ADHD diagnosis fit me, because I could hyperfocus for so long on subjects I found interesting, and I certainly wasn’t hyperactive. (If anything, I was a bit hypoactive lol.). It took me forever to get my math homework done, but I had my music and English assignments done in minutes flat, even before the class period was over lol 😉

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting! It’s great to read such refreshing perspectives 👏🏼👍🏼🙌🏼🌺


      1. Yeah, and now they’re offering a dual diagnosis of ADHD/ASD. Which I feel addresses the grey area you so clearly outlined. It’s definitely an ever changing industry (thankfully) lol. Yeah I’m so new to WordPress, so it’s great to see such a thriving community! I can’t believe I’ve been missing out. For what it’s worth I have ADHD and Tourettes syndrome. I have a few hyper-focussing traits as well, so reading your article really made me think.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Oh wow! 😊. Welcome to the community, my friend! 💗. I’m a relative newcomer myself; 19 months today since I found out that I’m on the spectrum 😁. The community really is amazing! I’ve been in Facebook groups and on Twitter, and both are mostly great, but WordPress is the best, hands down, in my experience 😁. Amen to it being a good thing that the industry is ever-changing! It kinda needs it, especially where I am (in the US), where everything anybody knows about ADHD consists of behavior problems and Ritalin scrips, and everything anybody knows about AS is underwritten by groups like Autism $peaks 🙄💗. It’s really nice to meet you! I’m following your blog and looking forward to reading more 😊👍🏼❤️


          1. Tell me about it, that’s basically 100% why I do what I do. I’m sick of the stigma attached these disorders. Along with the pop psychology lol thanks for the warm welcome and the support, lovely to meet you. I look forward to following your blog 🤗

            Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah and now they’ve introduced a dual diagnosis of ADHD/ASD. Which I think attempts to address the grey area you so clearly outlined. For what it’s it’s worth I have ADHD and Tourettes syndrome. I also have some hyper-focussing traits and a couple other little anomalies that don’t quite fit. So reading your article definitely made me think 😊🙄

        Liked by 1 person

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