Autistic retrospect 

A year and five months later, I’ve come to realize that I shouldn’t have put off starting this blog. 

When I first began to suspect that I might be on the Asperger’s/autism spectrum, I felt like blogging about it right away.  Instead, I waited for a month, doing my research, making sure I had my ducks in a row, and all that.

But there was a lot of processing going on behind the scenes.  These were accompanied by micro-thoughts and micro-emotions (although both felt quite “macro” to me at the time), that I never wrote about and thus y’all missed out on at the time.

Miscellaneous thoughts and realizations and light-bulb moments that I never shared.  Concepts like another 1% (there is much discussion about the 1% vs the 99% in terms of socioeconomic debate and advocacy, but in a way, neurological orientation–and specifically, Neurodiversity–could be considered an alternative categorization of society, since an estimated 1% of the population is on the spectrum).  Or what other names I was considering for this blog.  Or various feelings that bubbled to the surface without warning. 

I sort of skipped out on a sort of play-by-play that others may have found helpful.  

Retrospect is not without a whiff of regret.  But the present is not without a streak of opportunity.  The first month of my Asperger’s/autism spectrum discovery might not have been properly chronicled at the time, but I can certainly provide those insights now.  They might not be quite as fresh, but they certainly stand a chance to be more clear.

So I’ll rectify some of my “negligence” (a term I use half-seriously and half-lightly) in upcoming posts.

With my birthday coming up (soon; in fact, today was my original due date!), and Mercury being retrograde (for those of you who subscribe to that line of thought), I am indeed feeling fairly “retro” myself these days.  😉


  1. I took quite some time to blog on my processing as well. I always feared I didn’t have the right or would be dismissed as a “me, too”. I look forward to reading your early thoughts! And happy birthday in advance! 😘😘😘😘😘

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Awww you are awesome, sweetness! I can relate to the apprehension about being dismissed 💚💙. For the record, I can say that I definitely would never think that way toward you 😘😘. I’m always comforted by someone’s saying “me too!” 😁😁. But there may be some out there who might be more dismissive and callous, so the reservation is real 💞💞. Thank you so much for the warm wishes and for sharing your experience, girl 💜💙💚

      Liked by 3 people

  2. My blog helps me to process things I haven’t processed yet. And in turn, I try to write about them. It’s been slow, but I’m starting to get the hang of this thought/type coordination.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. My blog was and is my Autism’s main expressive venue, where I was actually born as a conscious Autistic individual, where I took my first steps, where I came out into the open to breathe as ME, THE ASPIE, where I was encouraged, gently challenged, understood and yes, loved, whatever that may be besides what I’ve already said👾 Reading all the testimonials and comments gave me the courage and confidence to stand for myself, knowing and embracing who I really am. Without my blog and all the truly amazing and unique individuals I am sharing this profoundly incredible condition with, my academic efforts, both recent and especially future would be literally nowhere 🐢⛈️ 👾👍

    Liked by 6 people

  4. In the US do medical practitioners like to talk about their ‘retrospectoscopes’? I remember as a student on rounds with older consultants and they would describe the benefit of reflection and while you cannot go back in time, the ‘retrospectoscope’ is a valuable teaching tool.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. In the UK it’s called Reflective Practice/Analysis, usually Borton’s, Gibbs’, Johns’ and it’s mandatory part of e.g. Mental Health clinical degrees. Quite useful once you get used to them 😉

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    1. That’s so cool! 💜💙. Our family is a cluster, too; my mom’s is in a week, mine’s 3 days after that, my sister is 3 weeks after that, and my dad’s is 2 days after hers 😁😁. My husband is the odd one – 3 months after mine lol 😉. Happy belated birthday to you, and happy birthday to your sister, and happy birthday in advance to your husband! 🌷🌷🌷

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Such strong words, that resonate with me deeply.
    But all things happen in due time! Just like you
    there is so much micro-processing going on even
    up to the last minute of hitting the publish button.

    Every though & experience you have had has led
    you to this point. It has all happened just as it should.
    Your waves ripple out across the universe touching
    upon undiscovered shores, & that is a beautiful thing.

    My own light switch would have still been off if it wasn’t
    for you, not only are you a wave but also a lighthouse.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh wow, what a touching and beautiful compliment! 😘😘💗☮💗. Your expressions are gorgeous and vivid, and they construct lovely images in my mind. I’m so honored, and the feeling is very mutual 😘🌹☮🌹🌷💚🌷

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  6. Funny, I’ve never been able to nominate a point in time as the starting point of my autism discovery journey. I would have said about this time last year, when I devoured every single post on “Musings of an Aspie” and decided for the first time that I would find out, seriously, once and for all, whether I am on the spectrum or not. But then I remember reading another blog (“Life on the Spectrum”) the year before, and in fact I have an Aspie test I took in 2015. Then I remember reading a blog called “Andrea’s Buzzing About” years ago (anyone remember that?), and the first time I took the AQ test, that would have been around 2007 or 2008. The longer I think about it, the more I remember of looking into the subject, dropping it, coming back to it etc. When I have the time to dig into my old stuff at my parents’ place, I’ll probably find a few articles on autism I kept almost 30 years ago. It seems that autism has always fascinated me. Funny that…
    As for the discovery journey – well, I’m still discovering…

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