A short break…

Please forgive me; I have taken a brief break from Silent Wave blogging for a couple days, and I might need a couple more.

As some of you know, our state was hit by a Category 4 (out of 5 possible categories) late Friday night, and although we were not directly in its path, we were indirectly affected.

Hurricane Harvey made landfall around 11pm Central Daylight Time that night and moved inland, still spinning, and it has stalled just to the east of us, but has not stopped spinning.  Although our area was on its periphery, we got inundated with rain and high winds.  We will remain under a Flash Flood Warning for 3 more days, until Wednesday night.  This may bring power outages for us.

This weekend, I made 4 separate 90-minute treks through the bands of heavy rain and random strong gusts of wind, all within the last 36 hours.  I clutched the steering wheel so hard that my hands hurt for hours afterward.

In fact, I hurt all over.  My back, my neck, a headache, and a heartache for the people who are more directly involved.

I reel from the stress of hydroplaning and fighting to maintain control of my truck, the training in between the trips, and worrying about what we’d come home to, as the winds soared to 50 mph (80 kph), and I am spent from praying and checking in on friends and loved ones and relaying messages to others who are concerned for loved ones in the affected areas, telling them everything I know.  I’m exhausted from watching the Weather Channel, which provided much-appreciated nonstop coverage of the storm, my sole source of information during this time.  And I’m aching for those who had to leave their homes and lost everything.

I’m overjoyed about the kitten that was rescued by some wonderful people who were walking the streets, their home flooded, needing rescue themselves.  I feel guilty about not having a boat to tow to Houston to aid in the search and rescue efforts (I was certified through FEMA’s CERT program in 2013).

I’m spent, flatlined, exhausted to the core.  My situation is very good, considering what others have been through, but I’m an empath, so this has been harder on me than I had imagined it would be.

I am not taking a long break, just a short one, however long I need to recover.  I’m heading into a busy workweek after not having had much of a weekend, and I’ve got some important deadlines to meet, with people counting on me whom I don’t want to let down.

I’ll be back ASAP, I promise.  And when I do, I’ll reply more properly to the lovely comments that y’all have written over the past few days, too.  ❤



  1. I’m glad you’re safe. Please rest as much as you need to. I’m not in Texas but I have family there. It’s upsetting people weren’t told to evacuate. In any event, please don’t feel guilty. I know times like these are heavy and devastating for everyone involved, including empaths. Please take care

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      1. I know I don’t have to tell you this, we’ll consider this a reminder, all the wind, all the people and flooding are going to be putting all kinds of caca into your environment. Take care of your immune system (which is delicate, especially under stress) and rest, rest, rest!!! 💖💌🌹
        I mother everyone😕

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        1. Awwww thank you thank you bunches and bunches!! I’m so heartwarmed by your caring 😘😘😘😘. Yep, you’re totally right, too! I’ve been sneezing over the past few days with the rain and wind. Not to mention the toxins probably blowing in from the gulf waters! The winds are coming straight up from the gulf, and the storm itself was built with that water 😖😤😤😱. I’m staying home from work today and I’ve got Benadryl in my system already lol. I also need to get back on my supplements, which include Vitamins C and D, both excellent for the immune system! Thank you so much for that reminder; I’d gotten a little off-track this weekend 😘😘💓💞💜💜🙏🏼💙💙🌺💐💚🙏🏼👏🏼😊🌈🌈🌷🌟


  2. Very glad to know you are safe. Been thinking of you as I pray for this devastating situation. Take all the time you need to take care of you. Hugs and prayers.😘😘😘😘😘

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    1. Thank you so much! Yep, we’re in central South Texas ❤️. Praying so hard for the coast, which is only 2.5 hours away, and especially Houston, which is ~3 hours away. I only wish I could go help! 😘❤️❤️🙏🏼🌈💗💗


    1. Thank you so much for reblogging! I’m sorry that I’m a little delayed in responding; my phone’s WordPress app has been very unstable lately and I don’t think I’m seeing every comment anymore ❤ Your support is so much appreciated ❤ ❤

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    1. Thank you so much, my lovely 😘😘. Your words make me feel warm inside ❤️❤️. I’ll probably be posting on here within the next few days; a people-instigated gasoline shortage pretty much dashed all hopes of a road trip this weekend, so I anticipate having some spare blogging time 😉😜🕷🐛🌷🌺


  3. I’m happy to hear that you’re getting through this but so sorry for the people who are struggling and have been damaged by this especially by losing their homes. I’m currently homeless and there’s smoke from the fires out here on the west coast. I’m having to stay in a 24 hour café right now with no sleep because I just went outside and was choking on the air, especially not good for sensory processing issues. The rain is coming this week again, probably not nearly as heavy as you had it, but even just the smallest droplets cause me an extreme amount of pain so I’m not looking forward to it. I hope all is well with you and I’m sending so much love your way. (Violet) (I’ve actually been the only one commenting today but keep forgetting to put my name)

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    1. Oh wow, luv 💞💞. Yeah I cried after Hurricane Katrina thinking about everyone who had lost everything. My heart goes out to you and others in your situation as well! 💐🌺. And oh my, I can only imagine the sensory processing issues. I’m so sorry you’re going through all this 💞💐💞. Stay strong girl! I’ll walk with you if you like 🌹

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