
(Content Advisory: sadness, grief, brief mention of ideation)

I’m here, my lovelies ❤

It’s been a hell of a past few days, but I’m still standing, dammit 😉

I’m not abandoning you, I promise.

My partner has confessed to me that he’s going through a Midlife Crisis, which has taken some energy to deal with.  He’s also going through a streak of depression that I suspect is heavier than he’s letting on.  I think we both are.  But in my case, Because Alexithymia.  On one hand, it confers protection against the full brunt of the emotions involved.  On the other, it merely delays them, and my ability to process them.

Emotions these days.

So I’ve been dealing with that, my best friend whose mom who is on her deathbed, trying to maintain connections with friends, trying to stave off the darkest of ideations, and trying to ensure our long-term survival.

It’s a hell of a to-do list.  But somehow I manage.

As I mentioned, my best girlfriend from childhood, G, is facing the eminent passing of her mother, J.  J has been fighting pancreatic cancer for more than two years already, and has recently been moved to hospice care.  The hospice staff has given her about a week left.

And when hospice care gives timetables, they’re usually spot-on.  They mean it.  The Big Clock ticks.

Death in my life has always come in threes.  This is Number 2.  You can imagine that I’m more than a little nervous.  

Obviously, the Empath Bells are sounding alarms in my head.  Hyper-empathy can suck.  But at least nobody can say I don’t have it.  ❤

I’m going to be OK.  I pray and send strong virtual hugs to G and J and their whole family, and in the end, they’ll be OK, too.

I’ll go be with G at Christmas time.  This is her first death-in-the-family of a close family member, and I can see around some corners she hasn’t yet had to.  After someone you love dies, that first family-oriented holiday especially sucks.  It’s empty and sad.

G and I always look forward to getting together near Christmas.  If I can fly there then, this might give her an albeit small consolation prize to look forward to.  It probably won’t be much.  But at least it’s something.

My partner booked my ticket today.

Until then, I’ll use my last ounces of strength to support her and her family.  She needs them more than I do.  I can recharge, and I will eventually; she’s chronically ill on top of all this.

Sending so many positive and healing thoughts to her and anyone else who could use them right now ❤

I’m still here ❤

(I’m writing this on my mobile, so if the image size/quality sucks, I’ll fix it as soon as I can.)

(And once I have the energy, I’ll also write that fourth and final “Me Too” post I’ve promised.)


  1. Sending huge hugs to you, your partner, your best friend, and her family ♥ I hear you about empathy taking our energy… Yet we don’t know any other way to be! You are a beautiful light to be going there to provide support and for all you do for us here in blogland. Thanks for checking in xx

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  2. (((((Laina))))) I’m so sorry for your friend and her family. 😦 ❤ You've got lots going on, and I hope you're able to recharge *enough* in ways that are truly helpful. I hope your partner's midlife crisis resolves with minimal damage, and that you can get through okay. Sending lots of love and strength and support your way. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so kindly, my dear friend 😘😘❤️. So awesome to see you again!! 😁💞💞. I hope you’ve been well! Thank you for your support and caring 😘💖. I’m managing; we’ll all get through our shizz 😉😁💓💓💓


  3. I’m so sorry to hear all this, sweetie. Its hard to watch others you love suffering or with loved ones who do. I struggle with my own empathy a lot, too. Take extra care of yourself right now. You need something soothing for a while to take your mind off things. Lots of love and warm fuzzies x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Awww, thank you so much for your lovely comment 😘💗💗. You’re absolutely right; your wise advice is very kind and very well taken 👏🏼👍🏼💞. Last night after writing this I went and played some music and sang along, really belting it out (sorry neighbors lol). And then I promptly fell asleep reading blogs under my weighted blanket 😁😉❤️. Lots of warm fuzzies to you, too! 😘❤️💜💙

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  4. Oh sweet Laina — I wish I could say something that would lighten your load – or had a magic wand that would give you the strength to carry it more easily. All I can do is tell you I’m with you in spirit, that I’m sorry this is a rough time for you,and encourage you to take good care of YOU as you wait for the storms to pass.

    DO up the sleep if you can – lots of healing and processing happens when we sleep.
    (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
    ADD/EFD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
    “It takes a village to transform a world!

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    1. Thank you so much, dear-dear friend 😘❤️. Yep, I fell asleep before 10p last night and didn’t wake up until 6am 👍🏼💪🏼💓. That weighted blanket does *wonders*! 😁. Thank you very very much for your support and caring 😘💖💖💖

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          1. Believe me, I GET it!

            When I lived in an apt. with better wiring (still no central air, but able to run more than one window unit, so bedroom and home office for me), I was one of those folks who slept with the AC on in the winter with the ceiling fan going full blast — so that I could have my heavy blanket on top of me (heat defensive).

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            1. Lol oh yeah 👏🏼👏🏼. I wait until the last minute to turn on the heat 😁. I don’t like stagnant air, but also can’t have any strong currents blowing on me lol. But yeah, I’ve always needed the weight of something on me; that blanket is a total godsend, and I have no idea how I got through so much of my life without it lol 😉😂. Which is funny because I used to be heat-tolerant and cold-sensitive, but now I’m the opposite lol 😂😂🔥🔥🌷🌺🌸💜💙

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              1. Oddly, I don’t like strong currents blowing straight AT me (like floor fans), but ceiling fans work for me. As to temperature, I seem to need a range somewhere between 68-74 to be comfortable without HAVING to add or remove clothing, etc. to regulate my internal temperature. No surprise that I prefer cold surroundings and avoid hot ones – easier to regulate with clothing etc.!

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                1. Yeah! Dressing in layers, to 👏🏼👏🏼👍🏼🌺. I wish I could do ceiling fans! About all I can handle is the A/C current lol 😉😂. Your range is similar to mine! I’m high-maintenance though lol – I need about 70-73; any colder and I get cold; any warmer and I’m tossing off the blankets lol 😂😂. I love it chilly outside; I think South Texas is probably wrong for me but I do love it here lol 😘❤️💗💜

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                    1. Yeah we’re starting to think New Mexico if we ever find ourselves at another crossroads lol. I need the DRY 😉😉. NOLA is basically a jungle! Lol. I admire you for being able to withstand it 😘💖💖👏🏼👏🏼

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  5. Sending my very best wishes to you, your best friend and her mum, your partner… I know I can’t say anything to make the situation any better, nor to ease your emotional turmoil right now, but I’m glad you have a ticket booked for that get together. Hugs and love xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, my lovely 😘❤️. Honestly I feel like a dud because there’s nothing I can do; I want to fix it 😉😰😉💗💗. But your words are reassuring to me and I really appreciate them 💚💙


    1. Thank you very much, my pretty 😘😘. I think on some level, I have. But there are parts of my battery that I can recharge, so I’m doing that 😁❤️. Burnout sucks, and I hit mine probably 6 months ago; but I’m taking some serious self-care measures, and they’re getting me along pretty well 👍🏼. I don’t know if or when I’ll get my “root mojo” back, but I’m definitely keeping my day-to-day mojo sufficient. On the plus side, I’m sleeping better lol 😉😘. Thank you so much for caring 😘😘❤️💞💗


  6. It’s a hard thing to go through, I hope nobody else close to you passes away soon. Those 3’s are a killer! I’m at 2 myself this year and it’s possible another will fall before the holidays. Stay strong!

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    1. Thank you, my lovely! ❤️. I’m so sorry to hear about your losses this year 💐💞. That’s a really rough year! I hope everyone else close to you hangs in there 😘😘. Strength to you, dear one 💓💓💓

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    1. No worries, my lovely, you are always always entitled to feel what you feel about your own situation 😘😘. I said something similar to a counselor a while back, and he said, “stop right there 😊; you have the right to feel the weight of your situation no matter what it is, and who’s to say whose situations are heavier than others? Everybody’s got different abilities to handle different loads at different times, so go ahead and just feel what you feel.” So, I didn’t feel so sheepish after that 😊❤️. He said it with all the kindness, empathy, and compassion possible. I really appreciated him saying that. Things could always be worse, and things could always be better 😘. Life is always at varying points in between, I guess 😉💗💜💙💚

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  7. I’m sending lots of slow, safe hugs that last until you can feel them. Don’t forget to rock yourself whenever possible (assuming this is comforting to you, too.) It’s my favorite (semi) stealth tool when doing other things while heavy hearted. It helps to wear headphones, I think. You’re not alone, beautiful sister. 💜💜💜

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    1. Awww 😘😘😘🌹🌹. Thank you so much, Wiser Sister! 🌸🌺. I dig hugs a lot 😁. And yep, rocking is soothing, and headphones rock! I also have a soft spot in my heart for my weighted blanket and also the kitties at night 😘. And of course, my WP lovelies!! 💪😉😁💗. Y’all give me so much strength and love that it’s not even funny 😁😂💪🤗🤗💗💓💗🌷🌺🌸

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  8. OMG, my current weighted blanket is what I sleep with every night I sleep. I gotta link the store because it’s the best one I’ve ever had, and I’ve gone through seven so far. http://www.redbarnblankets.com. I got this Inside Out material on one side, and a matching navy fuzzy side. It’s love at first night. My cat has a weighted blanket too, and she’s possessive of it, which greatly amuses and delights me. Mwah!!!

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  9. I was JUST thinking about you last night wondering how you were doing.
    Being an empath is a LOT of emotion and love for another. It is so hard to not feel it in your own body as well and taking in all of that grief and sadness that someone else has plus your own can be very heavy. But to love like that is quite a gift.
    I’m so sorry that you and your partner are having depression.
    Depression is so hard for me to cope with. I imagine it is for everyone. I’m glad you have each other to be honest with and there for.
    I’m so sorry to hear that’s someone you love will be passing soon. My heart goes out to you

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    1. Thank you so much, my dear dear friend! 😘😘❤️. Your support and caring are like warm gentle arms around me/us 💞💞. I found out through Facebook that another friend (not as close, but still 💙) just lost her cancer battle, too. My friend’s mom’s passing will make 3 cancer deaths in my relatively small circle in 5 months 😰. This cancer stuff and how it’s “treated” is getting ridiculous, but that’s another rant for another time 💗.

      Yep, the empath thing is both a blessing and a curse ❤️. It’s a gift to feel so strongly and be able to relate, and it can also hurt so much 🌺. It’s what I’ve got, though, so I’ll take it. Everything happens for a reason, right? 🌷🌷

      Thank you very very much; I can’t express how much your kindness means to me 😘😘💓💓💓


      1. You said three. And there are now three. Wow. I have heard that things like this come in threes. Sometimes 3 days. 3 weeks. 3 months. I think that is true.
        Empath is a blessing and a curse but I like the blessing part. Gives me insight into something I would never know otherwise. A true knowledge of someone else’s pain. And although it hurts like hell I can give love that comes from a true place of knowing. I know you do the same. Sending lots of love and hugs to all of you!

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        1. Thank you so very much, my pretty 😘😘💚💙. Yes, you are completely right 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼. The pain we feel comes from a place of knowing, and it follows the old adage “it’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all” or something like that 😉. I really do like the blessing part as well 🌺🌺. And yes, the ability to know another’s pain, too, to be able to really be there with them 💜💜

          Yep, over the past 15 years or so of my life, death has happened in threes, usually 3 loved ones within a year and a half or less. Once it was 6 months; another time it was about a year. I’ll keep my eye out for the other threes, too – 3 days, weeks, months, etc 😘💗.

          Sending you much love and hugs, too! 😘😘💞💞🌷💚🌷


  10. I hope things get easier, more manageable and happier for you,my new friend. Also, that things get better with your life partner and your good friend whose mother is dying. . . So much on your plate, Soto speak. 💞 💐 💮

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    1. Thank you so much, dear one 😘. She passed yesterday morning, and my friend will definitely appreciate your warm healing thoughts 💞💞. I’m passing on to her everything that y’all say so that she knows just how many people care 💚💙💜


      1. Oh, so sorry for the loss of someone close to you and your friend. May her new life be blessed with no pain and much joy. . . 🌈 💞 🙏
        May her heart ease knowing the pain and suffering are over finally, even if too soon. . . 💕

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      1. Oh my, Laina! Try more relaxing and less stress. . . I’m going to be 62 and wish in the next year to find a less heavy work schedule and a possible male friend who would be kind and hold my hand. Simple wishes but I am very lucky to have grown children and grandchildren, too.
        Take care, Laina! xo 💖

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        1. Oh yeah 💞💞. I take full advantage of my weekends these days (I did not used to at all lol). And I pretty much work only half-days at the office 😳😉💓. 62, how cool! I love your simple wishes 😘. That’s one thing I’ve learned/am learning as I get older (just turned 40, so still a long way to go lol) – keeping life simple, keeping goals realistic, and staying out of the drama 👍🏼💗💗. Take care of You too! ❤️❤️


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